
Animation Workshop

ONLINE ANIMATION WORKSHOP: 2D FX animator survival tips and tricks. Junior workshop. with Naoki Araiza Tokumasu.

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ONLINE ANIMATION WORKSHOP: 2D FX animator survival tips and tricks. Junior workshop. with Naoki Araiza Tokumasu.

DATE: 6, 7 & 8 December, 2024. 

SCHEDULE: (Madrid Time)

Friday. 04:30pm to 07:30pm. Stop. 07:30pm to 08:00pm. 08:00pm to 11:00pm

Saturday. 04:30pm to 07:30pm. Stop. 07:30pm to 08:00pm. 08:00pm to 11:00pm

Sunday. 04:30pm to 07:30pm. Stop. 07:30pm to 08:00pm. 08:00pm to 11:00pm

DURATION: 18 hours PRICE: 200€ LANGUAGE: English. Online Plattform: Google Meet.

Summary and recommended materials. 

2D FX animator survival tips and tricks. Junior workshop

Day 1 -
<<the basics>>
What are the junior level expectations in the actual industry
No mistakes only retakes
Common retakes and how to fix them
- Analyzing examples of spacing and arcs
Exercise 1 dust puff 3 hours
Exercise 2 adding dust to a real scene, kicking up dust with a character 3 hours
Day 2 - 
<<Efficiency>> Budgets: the neverending battle against time.
-Simplicity, economy, misdirection, controlling the audience's eye.
Common retakes and how to fix them
- Analyzing examples of silhouette, composition, cycle, recycle, upcycle. keeping quality.
Design is problem solving.
Simple is better
Building complex design with simple shapes
Exercise 1 fire cycle 3 hours
Exercise 2 adding fire to a real scene, making fire appear and maintain into a cycle
Day 3 -
<<improving >>
Analyzing, copying, being inspired
Building a reference bank
Three examples of my favourite animators and how to analyze them.
Dissipating elements: fire, water, electricity
Exercise 1 dissipating water on an object
Exercise 2 dissipating water on a scene with provided background
Afternoon conclusion
Building the expert eye-hand without a teacher
Becoming autonomous, following your curiosity and motivation, taking care of your personal projects.

*Frequent questions:

What happens if I can´t see the classes live one day?

No problem. All classes are live but will also be recorded and posted on our platform. So you can see them whenever you want throughout the duration of the course. This means that if you cannot attend your class live at the stipulated time, you will be able to see them on the platform until the end of the course. These video-classes posted on the platform can be viewed unlimitedly during the duration of the course, but they cannot be copied or downloaded. Recorded class can also be viewed for 6 mounths once the course is over.

When can I see the classes I did not attend live?

24-hour access to the virtual platform where you can consult all the information or documentation of the course, access all the classes that have already been taught or the proposed exercises. When, where and at the rate you want.

*For any question, do not hesitate to contact us at the

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